The Iowa DOT is holding public workshops to discuss the master plan for the Lewis and Clark Trail and wants to get as many people to these meetings as possible. Iowa DOT consultants will conduct a series of workshops, traveling from town to town along the route by bicycle. These workshops will take place on July 27-30, 2009, and will provide people with the opportunity to discuss possible routes, features, and opportunities along the way. Maps, aerial photographs, and other information will be available to assist with exploring possible routes and attractions along the trail.
Iowa DOT to hold “Rolling Workshops” discussing the Lewis and Clark multi-use trail
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), along with consulting partners, invited the public to assist in developing a master plan for a trail that will allow modern day explorers on foot, bicycle, horseback, and other to follow the scenic and historic route forged through the Missouri River Valley by Lewis and Clark more than 200 years ago.
This trail, identified by the Iowa DOT as one of five trails of significance, would extend from the Missouri border to Sioux City and could knit together roads, waterways, parks, greenways, towns, businesses, and attractions into a network to where a variety of users could discover the beauty and history of western Iowa . The goal of this network is to strengthen the economies of communities involved, provide wonderful individual and family experiences, improve health and wellness, and build a greater understanding of the region and its assets.
To make the trail as user-friendly as possible, the Iowa DOT is holding a series of workshops to gain public input into planning the Lewis and Clark Multi-Use trail. To this end, Iowa DOT consultants will conduct a series of workshops, traveling from town to town along the route by bicycle. These workshops will take place on July 27-30, 2009, and will provide people with the opportunity to discuss possible routes, features, and opportunities along the way. Maps, aerial photographs, and other information will be available to assist with exploring possible routes and attractions along the trail.
Public workshops to discuss the Lewis and Clark Multi-Use Trail will take place on the following schedule:
July 27, 2009
7:30 to 9 a.m. Hamburg ( Hamburg Fire Station, 711 Main Street )
10:30 a.m. to noon Southern Loess Hills Welcome Center (west of exit 10 off Interstate 29 at 2083
Crossroads Drive in Percival)
2:30 to 4 p.m. Glenwood ( Glenwood Senior Center , 20 North Vine Street )
7 to 8:30 p.m. Council Bluffs (Public Library, 400 Willow Avenue )
July 28, 2009
7:30 to 9 a.m. Council Bluffs (Community Hall, 205 South Main )
9 to 10:30 a.m. Council Bluffs (Community Hall, 205 South Main )
12:30 to 2 p.m. Missouri Valley ( Rand Community Senior Center , 100 S 4th Street )
5:30 to 7 p.m. Onawa (Onawa Community and Recreation Center , 320 10th Street )
July 29, 2009
7:30 to 9 a.m. Onawa (Onawa Community and Recreation Center , 320 10th Street )
10:30 to noon Sloan ( Sloan Community Center , 423 Evans Street )
3:30 to 5 p.m. Sioux City (Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, 900 Larsen Park Road )
7 to 9 p.m. Sioux City (Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, 900 Larsen Park Road )
July 30, 2009
8 to 9:30 a.m. Sioux City (Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, 900 Larsen Park Road )
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