Thursday, May 10, 2012

Catching Air on the Keystone

Earlier this week I was able to catch some big air while riding on the Keystone Trail just north of Blondo. It reminded me of the good old days building bike ramps when I was young. Of course I also wanted to be Evel Knievel when I was a kid. Boy those were good times, until I face planted on the street... making it less good.

Now I realize not everyone wants to catch big air while commuting to work on a bike, especially while pulling a youngster behind them in a trailer or hauling a load of groceries (including eggs). So for those folks we have prepared the information below.

Over the weekend, a section of the Keystone trail buckled and created a one foot heave in the cement (forming a perfect ramp that is a blast if you hit it at speed...). This is a fairly drastic buckle and it's steeper on the South side of the heave. If you use the Keystone and travel North of Blondo, please use caution. Also note that the North side of this buckle has a large hole on the West side that did not buckle upwards with the rest of the cement.

Here is a picture that doesn't do the height of this buckle justice:

Status of repair:

The City of Omaha's Park & Recreation Department (they handle trail repairs/maintenance) has been contacted. The buckle should be marked and blocked off today. Cement repairs should be made next week.

You may need to use the surface street East of the trail if it is not possible to get around the barricade. If you're going north, you can exit the trail just South of Blondo, take the sidewalk to Keystone Drive and follow Keystone Drive North to Maple Street where you can get back on the trail via the trail access just South of Maple. Reverse those instructions if you are heading south.

For future reference, you can report other Omaha trail issues to Denis Bryers at 402-444-3798 or email him at "DBryers {AT}". Please provide the exact location of the trail issue and provide a picture if you can. Denis is a great guy and he will do the best job he can with the resources he has available. You can also find some other trail projects on the Parks & Recreation Trails page. They update this page from time to time with upcoming or current trail repairs.

UPDATE: This has still NOT been repaired.  It has been marked with a barricade but not repaired.  Denis is checking with the crew assigned to fix it to see when they will complete the task they are currently on and make this repair.


Becca said...

That picture definitely doesn't do it justice. It scared the snot out of me the other day when I encountered it. Thanks for the update and the info on how to report these things! :)

Biker Bob/Runner Bob said...

Yeah... if you don't know it's coming, it can be a bit dangerous.

Your more than welcome.

john said...

This is but one of several holes along the trail(like the one behind the NFM). Luckily I normally ride the trail at a slow 10-15kph so I can see these thing coming and avoid them. It's these racing cyclists that have the real problem, doing 40+.

Biker Bob/Runner Bob said...

40+ ... maybe in kph. I wouldn't all myself a racing cyclist but I do enjoy a solid 20-25mph when I have a tailwind AND I slow down for pedestrians.

Omaha Park & Recs is aware of many of the issues on the Omaha trail system. You would be surprised. However, they have a TINY budget and have had to lay off a LOT of people in the last few years. Maybe as a community we should look into HELPING them fund trail repairs somehow. Anyone have any thoughts on the topic?

AOJules said...

I rode over it for the first time yesterday ... and whoever said that the photo doesn't do it justice is right! Scary!!