Led by professor of health education at UNO David Corbin and artist Eddith Buis, the Omaha Metro Bike Blast is a set of projects involving locally-designed bike racks, bike painting & safety for kids, and a bicycle sharing program. Together the projects seek to promote physical activity, raise awareness for cycling, and beautify the community.
A competition organized by Les Bruning and Eddy Santamaria resulted in artist-designed bike racks. The racks are available for businesses to sponsor and will be on display at the Hot Shops Art Center on May 1 from 5-8pm. 1301 Nicholas, 3rd Floor.
And what kid doesn't want to paint a bike? With the help of the Bancroft Street Market and the First Central Congregational Church, about forty kids have been painting away on Saturdays for the last month. The kids will ride the bikes they've painted (with their melons in helmets) in the Cinco de Mayo parade on S. 24th Street on Saturday, May 2, 10am. Thanks to Sue Schlesinger for help with bike logistics!
Check out the bike blast home page for more info.
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