Thursday, February 18, 2010

Give Bike Commuting a Try (on the cheap)

If you would like to try bike commuting, but you don't have a bike or the bike that has been sitting in your garage, since the early 70's,  needs more than a bit of TLC, then a one of the local bike shops has you covered.  This spring Bike Master's at 129th and Fort will be offering bike rentals of commuter bikes with fenders and a rack.  Give Dave at Bike Master's a call for more details.

If you have a bike shop closer to you (see the links to the right of this page) that you would prefer to work with, give them a call and see if they offer anything similar.

Once you find out how much fun bike commuting can be, dig out that old bike and see if it's up to the task.  If you still need a trusty steed, swing by your local shop and they can help you get started.

Don't forget to have the local commuter expert at the shop give you some tips on what to bring with you, and how to get from A to B in Omaha on a bike.  While your at it, take a look at the Commuting 101 articles here at Omaha Bikes.

We look forward to seeing you out there.

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