Friday, April 27, 2012

New 3-Foot Passing Law in Nebraska - LB1030

Nebraska has become the 24th state to enact a 3-foot passing law.
The law requires motorists to give at least 3 feet of space when passing cyclists, pedestrians, and those operating motorized wheelchairs on the road.

See the Segment on KETV featuring Julie Harris from Activate Omaha

Also found in the Nebraska Driver's Manual - Section 6: Sharing The Road With Other Users (6B Bicyclists)

♦ A person riding a bicycle has all the same rights and responsibilities as a driver of a motor vehicle; bicyclists must obey traffic laws.
♦ Bicyclists may ride on paved shoulders, as far right in a lane as is practical and when the lane can be safely shared by a bicycle and car, side by side.
♦ Bicyclists are not restricted to the right lane of traffic. A bicyclist may need to change lanes to make left turns or to continue through an intersection. They follow the same path any other vehicle would take traveling in the same direction.
♦ Motorists should merge with bicycle traffic when preparing for a right hand turn. Avoid turning directly across a path of bicycle traveling in the same direction. When turning left at an intersection, yield to oncoming bicyclists just as you would to oncoming motorists.
♦ Do not blast a vehicle’s horn when approaching a bicyclist.
♦ Look for bicycles before opening car doors.
Always allow three feet to the left of the bicycle when passing. Reduce speed and move into the next or oncoming lane to pass. If there is oncoming traffic, reduce speed and follow the bicycle until oncoming traffic clears.
♦ Children on bicycles are often unpredictable in their actions. A common crash type for young cyclists is mid-block ride-outs entering a road from a driveway, alley, or curb without slowing, stopping or looking for traffic.
♦ Look both ways at intersections before turning. Bicyclists may be found riding incorrectly, facing traffic and create special hazards at intersections.
♦ At intersections and roundabouts, right of way rules apply equally to bicyclists and motor vehicles.


Cyndonna said...

Interesting that this is posted following an article about biking and drinking beer. Certainly there will be arrests for BUI? (biking under the influence). Hope the rules of the road for bicyclists will be advertised not just here but somewhere for all to read.

Anonymous said...

Cyndonna, Thank you for following our blog, we appreciate the feedback. The link to the Nebraska Driver's Manual is included in the '3-foot' post and the laws apply to all driver's, including those riding motorcycles and bicycles. The other post you reference 'biking and drinking' has a link to the OWH article that reminds cyclists to adhere to the DUI laws that apply to everyone who operates a vehicle on the streets of Nebraska.